Our Appointments

  • This appointment is required for any new patient or injury and will provide opportunity to perform a thorough history taking and physical examination. We aim to give clarity on what injury you have, how long it may take and what the best management options are. This session included treatment and initial rehab plan.

  • During your follow up appointments we will review and re asses your injury ensuring you are on track. We will then progress your rehabilitation and continue treatment from the previous visit.

  • A 1hr rehabilitation session combining pain relieving treatments and guided exercise.

    Note - You must have had a recent Initial appointment to book

  • A 1 hour massage by one of our highly trained clinicians to relax and ease pain.

  • A 30 minute massage by one of our highly trained clinicians to relax and ease pain.

  • A 1 Hour In depth review of your training Plan, Recovery strategy's, previous injuries goals and Psychological strategies Followed by a physical examination. We will then provide you with recommendations and alterations for your current plan or options to get full time coaching from us.

All eligible services include the current 20% discount

Get an appointment with one of our expert musckeloskletal clinicians.

Gain clarity on what your injury or pain is , how best to manage it and what may have caused it.

Get quick relief and learn how to modify your current activity to allow for optimal recovery.

Begin increasing resiliency and Improving function.

Future injury prevention and improvements in health.